Tweet to President
The New York Times recently published an article chronicling Trump's oft-used mode of communication, Twitter.

Beginning at the escalator descent of 2015, here we dissect Trump's Twitter insults targeting Muslims, Mexicans, women, the LGBT community, Hillary Clinton and more.

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Presidential Power
A president's words can ripple across the globe, which lends artful political discourse a reason to employ a carefully crafted practice. Each phrase can be weighed to seek understanding, intent, and meaning.

In this matrix of nodes, each dot depicts a single insult from Trump's personal Twitter account, @realDonaldTrump, which at last count had 25.6 million followers.

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Thousands of Insults
Since June 2015, Trump has logged over 2,200 insults on Twitter.

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Individual Targets
Over 300 people, places, and things were victims of Trump's Twitter taunts, scoffs, and snubs. His new title as the President of the United States has failed to stem the tide of insult-containing Tweets from Trump's personal account.

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Categorical Thinking
The lion's share of Trump's insults were directed toward U.S. politicians, with myriad news organizations and reporters coming in at a close second.

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Insult Distribution
Trump's campaign was shaped by insulting his rivals. Prior to becoming the Republican nominee, Trump frequently labeled each politician with a moniker such as "Lyin' Ted," "Little Marco," and "Low Energy Jeb"—nicknames that Trump propagated on Twitter and repeated throughout his campaign speeches.

Mainstream media outlets were also targets. Trump often called such organizations "dishonest" and "bias." Trump even devoted 12 insults to bashing Saturday Night Live's response to the presidency.

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Focused Insults
While around 260 people could count the number of Trump's insults with their two hands, others were not so lucky. Hillary Clinton bore the brunt of Trump's Twitter insults, receiving 430 attacks—20 percent of total insults. Trump's use of Twitter was effective in discrediting Clinton, his most high-profile political opponent.

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Next Targets
Since his election, Trump has accelerated his attacks on media outlets who are critical of his actions.

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The End!
Cash me outside.

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@BrianLehman: Data Viz

@JennaBlumenfeld: Copy Editing

The NYTimes: Trump Insults

The Economist: Trump Image

AP: 2016 Candidate Images

Matt Hirschfeld: SNL Image

Jim Vallandingham: Scroll Tutorial

The Oatmeal: Trump Hair Icon

Marek Polakovic: Down Arrows